Gastroparesis Why?!?

June 24, 2015 at 8:25 pm (Gastroparesis) (, , , , , , , , , , , )

You may be right where I am right now asking yourself why. Why did this happen, why me? Trust me I am right there with you. Right now I am asking myself these very questions. Obviously, if you’ve read my other posts you know, I am a diabetic, however until Gastroparesis my diabetes have been under terrific control. Many doctors will come out and say, this is because of your diabetes. In fact my first doctor said this without looking at my 6.5 A1C that I’ve had for the past five years. The fact is if it isn’t diabetes causing your gastroparesis, chances are you will never know what caused it.

Like I said before I was having issues far before my youngest daughter was born so I can rule out C-section as my cause. I  am not completely throwing out the diabetes reason either. Even though I am meticulous about my diabetes there are always unforeseen complications the disease can cause. In short this is not your fault. This didn’t happen because you are a bad person, which I am sure you are not, it just happened. There is no reason to beat yourself up about that high blood glucose reading that one month or eating that slice of birthday cake. Too often we play the blame game for our health and we need to stop doing that.

Idiopathic gastroparesis, does that sound familiar, means the doctors have no idea why you have gastroparesis. If the doctors have no idea then there is no way you can expect to understand the reasons why either. Of course there is always the odd man out and that would be gastroparesis caused by medical accident, such as a surgical mistake. In that case you know exactly what happened or at least you have an idea and I urge you to look further into it.

Most times gastroparesis is very much the luck of the draw. I know it is horrible, the constant pain, nausea, and vomiting are sometimes too much for me as well. Food is a big part of our lives, even if it wasn’t before it is now. So much of life with gastroparesis is making sure we are eating the right thing or that we have the right food when we go out so we can avoid the pain and nausea. Sometimes this can have a negative impact on enjoying life but I have found that having a few pouches of pureed fruits and veggies that I can grab and go with helps a great deal. I know we all hate to think that “baby food” can be a good option but it can. I recommend having a few on hand.

Basically gastroparesis sucks and it sucks when you or someone you know has it. My goal is to help raise awareness of this disease. I would like your help, you can help by clicking the following link and signing the petition. The link will also help by sending emails to your congresspeople and the President .

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